Empowering Abilities Together will be implementing the Customised Employment model and would like to acknowledge the support provided by Gaelen Williams – the Project Manager and his Employment team at Advanced Personnel Management (APM).
Customized Employment Specialised is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job seeker and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. Thus, CE:
Is the outcome that results from an individualized, person-centered process.
Results in a customised opportunity that will meet the needs that the individual has for
employment, the conditions necessary for his or her success, and the needs that the business has
for valued, contributing employees.
Differs from the typical employment practices used by some Disability Employment Service (DES)
providers and Supported Employment (ADE) job developers, which aim first to successfully place
job seekers within the context of competitive hiring processes and then to provide support as
needed to maintain employment.
1. Discovery
Gathering information from the job seeker and the CE support team (a group of multiple partners, including the employment specialist who all jointly take some responsibility for the job seeker’s needs; however, the job seeker is the ultimate decision-maker) to determine the job seeker's interests, skills, and preferences related to potential employment that guide the development of a customized job and/or micro-business opportunity. For people with disabilities who are of working age (Year 10 and/or Aged 14 years and 9 months) and onwards, who want to prepare for their transition to employment, a discovery process (including work experience, volunteering, career development, and other work exploration pathways) can be appropriately funded through the NDIS. The discovery process will identify what pathway to work best suits the skills, abilities, and interests of the individual. This information can be used to complement the work being done at the individual’s school, and guide their job creation.
2. Job Search Planning
Using the information learned about an individual job seeker in Discovery to develop a plan toward meaningful employment, determine a list of potential employers, investigate employment opportunities through the process of information interviewing, and conduct an analysis of benefits.
3. Job Development and Negotiation
Working collaboratively with the individual and the employer to negotiate a customized job, the provision
of supports and the terms of employment that will match the individual's interests, skills, conditions
necessary for success, and specific contributions, and will fill the unmet needs of an employer.
4. Post-Employment Support
Setting up on-going post-employment supports and monitoring the employment relationship to ensure
satisfaction of both the individual and the employer.
There are many benefits to having a job, and we want to help our clients who want to work, to get the job they like and keep it. We can assist within their
The NDIS can fund supports in employment for participants who need extra help to pursue their employment goals. Generally, these supports are greater than what may be reasonably provided by an employer or with the support of Disability Employment Services (DES).
Empowering Abilities Together recognizes the challenges clients with a disability face within a workplace and require additional help to maintain employment.
Empowering Abilities Together provides a person-centered approach which can be designed to work for the employer and client.